Chairman Jang Soon Bong joined Vietnam in the mid-20s as he participated in the construction of the Hanoi Daewoo Hotel.When the experience life was over, he decided to start as a young businessman based on the growth potential of Vietnam.Including Vietnam, leading 12 corporation in Myanmar,Cambodia and Laos. Last March 13, for the interview , […]
Today, 24th March, 2017, in Myanmar, it took place the Completion Ceremony of KAS AEB Factory.
Sejonghakdang Hanoi3 opening ceremony took place on last Tuesday 6th Dec, 2016. This is a good news for those who love Korean language. It was a memorable ceremony with presenting of Chairman Jang Soon Bong and some important characters. All guests have chance to experience the Korean culture through traditional dances […]
아세안 지역에 건설한류 선도하다 석우종합건설(회장 장순봉)은 베트남 최초 100% 외국인 건설투자법인으로 창립 후 23년간 베트남의 외관을 바꾸는데 일조해 왔다. 현재는 베트남 하노이와 호치민, 하이퐁을 중심으로 미얀마, 캄보디아, 라오스 등에 진출하며 인도차이나 반도의 ‘건설한류’를 이끌고 있다. 석우종합건설의 창업자 장순봉 회장은 진취적인 글로벌 마인드로 20대인 1994년 베트남 진출 후 아세안 국가 4개국, 6개 지역의 […]
The Construction of SMU Training Center “The Integrated Rural Development Project with Saemaul Undong’s Participatory Approach”. Location: At the premise of DAEC (Department of Agriculture Extention Cooperation), Vientiane, Lao PDR Client: Korea International Cooperation Agency KOICA Office in Lao PDR Signing date of contract: Dec. 30, 2015
Department of Agricultural Research, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. Building Area: 3.476m2 Client: The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Myanmar Office 25th Feb ground breaking ceremony
Charity fairs are held every year in order to raise funds for the disadvantaged cases in domestic and international area. This year we held a charity for one cancer patient, the entire donations will be transferred to the patient and family. Thanks for always being with us. Giving donation amount for Trung in […]
The Ground breaking ceremony of Asean Eco Brick Factory Today 24/2/2016, Seogwoo Construction Co., LTD (Vietnam) successfully celebrated The Ground breaking ceremony of Asean Eco Brick Factory located in Lot C.26, Zone A, Thilawa Sez, Yangon, Myanmar. With the aim of supplying high quality products for all local construction projects, this factory has scale of […]