18th May, 2012 to 22nd May, 2012
– The number of patients : 1: estimated within 42 patients
From 19-21/5, at the General Hospital in Dak Nong province, the smile surgery and researchcenter (OSCA) in collaboration with the Hanoi Department of Health, Provincial Hospital to organize the program “free smile surgery” in 2012 for 42 children in the Dak Nong and Dak Lak.
These children have poor and difficult family circumstances, deep-lying, ethnic minorities. In the 42 children who had surgery, 10 children are of ethnic minorities, 14 children from Dak Lak province.
OSCA Director – Bui Tu Anh stated the surgeries were successful and this is the first centerorganized screening and free surgery for children with deformities slit lips, cleft palate in DakNong.
In the future, the Centre will continue to coordinate with relevant departments of the province tothe screening and free surgery for children with deformities unfortunate gap lip, cleft palate in the area province.
Examining for patient Warmly take care to patient
Merit for Seogwoo contribution in humanitarian malformation surgery by OSCA